Public Speaking and Oratory

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Public Speaking Program


Program Structure

Our program is designed to help children develop their confidence, communication skills, and creativity through public speaking.

Our classes include a mix of improvisational games, planned speeches, and personalized feedback to help each child grow at their own pace. We believe that every child has something valuable to say, and we work to create a supportive environment where every student feels comfortable sharing their ideas and expressing themselves.

At the end of each unit, each child will have the opportunity to showcase their progress by delivering the speech they have been practicing to their classmates. Our goal is to help each child feel proud of their accomplishments and confident in their ability to speak in public.

Who Will Benefit

Our curriculum is focused on helping kids develop key skills like eye contact, vocal projection, effective body language, and clear articulation. We also encourage creativity and self-expression through fun, engaging activities that help kids explore different aspects of public speaking.

Have your child get an early start in developing their command over speech, the confidence to stand in front of a crowd and lead the journey of mastering one of the most important skills in life.

Build confidence with personalized feedback and support from teachers/peers.

Work on communication skills through planned speeches to become a more effective speaker.

Express your creativity with our improvisational speaking games.

Unit Structure

Public Speaking Unit Descriptions
Humorous/Storytelling Debate Personal Narrative Speeches
Students will learn how to craft and tell engaging stories, using techniques such as character development, pacing, and suspense.

Focus on:
Character/Plot Development
Tone & Pacing
Building Suspense

Students will learn how to research and present arguments in a formal and informal debate setting.

Focus on:
Research Techniques
Supporting Arguments
Formal/Informal Debates

In this unit, students can explore their personal stories and learn how to create compelling speeches that connect with their audience.

Focus on:
Personal Narrative Development
Content Organization
Word Choice

Persuasive Speaking Informative Speeches Impromptu Speaking
This unit focuses on the art of persuasion, including how to use logic, emotion, and evidence to make a convincing argument.

Focus on:
Logical Reasoning
Supporting Evidence
Appeal to Emotion

Students will learn to deliver engaging speeches that educate and inform their audience. Our curriculum emphasizes research skills, organization, and the use of visual aids to enhance their message.

Focus on:
Informational Presentation
Utilizing Visual Aids
Research Techniques

Students explore the art of improvisation through games and exercises designed to build spontaneity and quick thinking. Students will deliver coherent speeches with little or no preparation time.

Focus on:
Quick Thinking
Spontaneous Speeches
Delivery of Speeches


*NEW* Tuesdays 5:30PM - 6:30PM.

Wednesdays 5:30PM - 6:30PM.
Max 10 students in each class.

Beginner: Grades 3 - 5
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
High School: Grades 9+

Pricing per 4 classes: $135
See registration page for applicable discounts.


Thinking Feet’s main learning center is located in the Ballantyne area in Mecklenburg county. We are just minutes away from nearby Blakeney, Weddington, Marvin, Waxhaw, Pineville, Matthews, Wesley Chapel, Piper Glen and Fort Mill, SC.​​​​